Reducing bycatch

Protecting Ocean Wildlife

Bycatch in marine fisheries is a major threat to endangered, threatened, and protected (ETP) species.

Fishing vessels unintentionally capture hundreds of thousands of non-target species every year, including sharks, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sea birds. But there are practical solutions for reducing this bycatch, including adoption of best practices, increased monitoring, and development of new technologies.

Protecting Ocean Wildlife logo
NA right whale

Check out the Bycatch Solutions Hub

The Hub is a first-of-its-kind online tool just for the seafood industry, highlighting voluntary, industry-led adoption of best practices and innovations to protect ocean wildlife, and connecting companies and innovators around the world.

Visit the Hub

Tools and solutions for reducing bycatch

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Help us protect ocean wildlife

Contact our Biodiversity & Nature team to learn more about how your business can take steps to protect ocean wildlife in your supply chain.