Feed Solutions

Feed Solutions Toolkit

The SFP Aquaculture Feed Solutions Toolkit can help your company tackle the climate change, habitat, and biodiversity risks associated with compound aquaculture feed and the many ingredients it contains.

  • Aquaculture can meet increasing demand for seafood while offering a low-carbon alternative to other animal food products.
  • However, aquaculture feed remains a significant climate change and environmental hotspot – with risks such as land conversion, deforestation, overexploitation, pollution, and bycatch from the production or capture of feed ingredients.
  • Acting on these issues can help your company meet your Scope 3 climate-related targets, as well as those linked to environmental risks such as habitat loss and biodiversity decline.

Combined with continued improvements in planning and management, managing the risks of aquaculture feed can ensure that aquaculture provides a sustainable low-carbon protein source while preserving and restoring our natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Puffin with fish in its mouth
Sardine bait ball

Explore the Toolkit

The SFP Aquaculture Feed Solutions Toolkit allows you to filter and search by tool type, risks, feed ingredients, or geographies. The Toolkit will then provide you with a curated list of tools and organizations ready to support you, along with detailed summaries of their products, services, and contact details.

Feed Solutions Toolkit

What is the Toolkit?

The SFP Aquaculture Feed Solutions Toolkit is your one-stop resource for tackling the climate change and environmental risks linked to aquaculture feed.

The Toolkit brings together tools, standards, initiatives, and platforms from multiple organizations. These tools highlight the latest advancements in mitigating the climate change and environmental risks that are linked to a diverse array of ingredients used in compound feed production.

The Toolkit also includes advice from the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFI) and its roadmap, as well as case studies to highlight examples of best practices in the industry.

Overview of Tool Types

The Toolkit includes several types of tools and resources to help you manage the risks of your aquaculture feed ingredients. Learn more about the different tool types below.

Topics outside the scope of the Toolkit 

  • The Toolkit is a resource repository and is not a methodology, risk assessment, standard, or improvement initiative. It does not score or rank tools or organizations.
  • The Toolkit is focused on the sourcing and selection of feed and its ingredients and excludes information on methods and technologies for more efficient feed application.
  • While not specifically targeting reductions in the feed conversion ratio (FCR), crucial for efficient feed use and mitigating climate change and environmental impacts, the Toolkit connects users to tools incorporating FCR into their criteria, notably feed standards.
  • The Toolkit centers on climate change and environmental risks but recognizes the critical importance of social issues such as impacts on communities, livelihoods, and forced labor. Many featured tools and organizations actively address these concerns alongside climate change and environmental risks.

SFP would like to thank IDH and the IDH Aquaculture Working Group on Environmental Footprint’s Secretariat, ThinkAqua, The Nature Conservancy, and representatives of other organizations for their review of the briefing that introduced the Toolkit. Their advice, feedback and suggestions of tools contributed to the Toolkit’s development.

The development of this Toolkit was made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation. The contents of this Toolkit and support for its use are those of SFP alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Walmart Foundation. 

walmart.org logo

Improve the sustainability of your feed

Contact SFP to learn more about how you can address the climate change and environmental risks associated with aquaculture feed and its ingredients.