Supply Chain Roundtables

Supply Chain Roundtables serve as a forum for processors, importers, and others that buy directly from specific fishery sectors to work together in a pre-competitive environment to promote improvements throughout the supply chain.

SFP serves as the convener and facilitator of the Supply Chain Roundtales (SRs) for specific sectors bringing together knowledge, expertise, and resources to guide SRs on a path to drive significant and measurable change to fisheries sustainability.

Benefits of SR Participation

Benefits of SR participation graphic

Meet the team

Headshot of Carmen Gonzalez-Valles

Carmen González-Vallés

Global Squid SR

Global Octopus SR

headshot of Dave Martin

Dave Martin

Asian Farmed Shrimp SR

Global Marine Ingredients Roundtable

Megan Westmeyer, SFP Director of Supply Chain Roundtables

Megan Westmeyer

Mexican Shrimp SR

Mexican Snapper and Grouper SR

U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shrimp SR

Join an SR

To join a Supply Chain Roundtable, or for more information, please contact SFP.