Supply Chain Roundtables
Participating Companies
Supply Chain Roundtable Participants
Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) participants include major buyers and importers in a specific seafood sector, who work together pre-competitively to scale-up individual efforts for global reach and policy impact.
- Aquastar
- Beaver Street Fisheries
- Eastern Fish Company
- Fortune International
- High Liner Foods
- Seafresh Group
- Thai Union (Blake Stok, SR Industry Chair)
- The Fishin’ Company
- Alfa Gamma Group
- Beacon Fisheries
- Beaver Street Fisheries
- D&E Imports
- Inland Foods
- Pacific Coral Seafood (Manuel Garcia, SR Industry Chair)
- Quirch Foods
- Seafarers, Inc.
- Save On Seafood/US Foods
This Roundtable is coordinated by IFFO (The Marine Ingredients Organization). The current list of participants can be found on the Roundtable’s website.
- Angulas Aguinaga/Viveros Merimar
- Baitfish SL/Congels Miramar
- Confremar Group
- Discefa/Ditusa
- Fesba SL
- Foncasal/Brasmar
- Fortune International
- Frigorificos Arcos
- Grupo Alfrio
- Grupo Profand (Antonio Alvarez, SR Industry Chair)
- MarGalicia/D&E Imports
- Mark Foods
- Marpefish
- Merpacifico
- Moy Seafood
- Netuno USA
- PanaPesca
- Pesfasa
- Quirch Foods
- Santa Monica Seafood
- Union Martin
- Aquastar
- Beaver Street Fisheries
- Cabomar
- Confremar Group
- Congalsa
- Export Packers
- Fortune International
- GlobalpeZ
- Grupo Alfrio
- Grupo Profand
- High Liner Foods
- Lanzal Productos del Mar S.L.
- Lund’s Fisheries/Sun Coast Calamari
- Lyons Seafoods
- Netuno USA
- PanaPesca (Stefano Pagliai, SR Industry Co-Chair)
- Quirch Foods
- Santa Monica Seafood
- Seafresh Group (Sarah Hussey, SR Industry Co-Chair)
- Simplot Australia Pty, Ltd.
- The Town Dock
- Wofco
- Beaver Street Fisheries (Casey Marion, SR Industry Chair)
- Hilo Fish Company
- Netuno
- Pacific Coral Seafood
- Quirch Foods
- Aqua Star
- Cortez Seafood, Inc.
- Deep Sea Shrimp Importing Co.
- Eastern Fish Company, LLC
- Ocean Garden Products, Inc.
- Pacific Ocean Harvest
- Alfa Gamma Group
- Beacon Fisheries (OB Bera, SR Industry Chair)
- (en)visible
- Heads or Tails Seafood
- IncredibleFish
- Inland Foods
- John Nagle Co.
- Local Foods
- Netuno USA
- Save On Seafood/US Foods
- Sea Lion International
- Water Street Seafood
This SR is coordinated by the NFI Crab Council. The current list of SR participants can be found on their website.
- Bayou Shrimp Processors
- Big Easy Foods
- Biloxi Freezing & Processing
- Cox’s Seafood
- Dominick’s
- Gulf Pride
- JBS Packing, Inc.
- Paul Piazza
- Philly Seafood
- Wood’s Fisheries (Reese Antley, SR Industry Chair)
Join a Supply Chain Roundtable
Contact SFP for more information about how to join or support our Supply Chain Roundtables.