SFP in Boston
Seafood Expo North America 2025
Read on for all the highlights from our busy three days at Seafood Expo North America 2025 in Boston.

Panel focuses on how electronic monitoring can improve transparency and benefit the seafood industry
SFP Global Policy Director Brad Spear moderated a panel on the benefits and challenges of implementing electronic monitoring (EM) on fishing vessels to improve transparency, traceability, and data-sharing. In introducing the panelists, Spear noted that, because of gaps in knowledge and experience, “the true potential of EM is not being realized.” The panelists agreed that EM can have important benefits for all levels of the supply chain, but that there are still challenges related to cost and implementation that need to be tackled through collaboration and pilot projects.

(L-R) Chris Shearlock, Ambient Sustainability Director, Thai Union; Robert Nunez, longline vessel owner, Costa Rica; Stacy Schultz, Director of Supply Chain Stewardship, Fortune Fish & Gourmet; Andrea Yarbrough, Merchant, Walmart; Braddock Spear, Global Policy Director, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership
Sustainable seafood pioneers discuss the future of aquaculture

(L-R) Kathryn Novak, Chris Ninnes, and Jim Cannon
In a wide-ranging and animated conversation, moderated by SFP Biodiversity and Nature Director Kathryn Novak, SFP Founder and Chief Executive Officer Jim Cannon and Aquaculture Stewardship Council Chief Executive Officer Chris Ninnes discussed the future of aquaculture and the collaborative work that SFP and ASC are doing on building a model for landscape-level improvements in aquaculture in Andhra Pradesh, India. They focused on the importance of collaboration, not just with other NGOs, but also with local institutions, governments, and organizations.
Bycatch Solutions Showcase highlights ways to protect ocean wildlife
SFP’s Protecting Ocean Wildlife team hosted their 4th annual Showcase highlighting practices and technologies that can reduce bycatch of non-target species in wild-capture fisheries. The event featured representatives of projects that have already been funded through our Bycatch Solutions Hub, and others that are currently posted and seeking funding.
Panel discusses the value of gear libraries for improving access to on-demand gear

(L-R) Sheryl Fink, International Fund for Animal Welfare; Eric Matzan, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center gear library; Briony Donahue, Maine Innovative Gear Library; Sahra Skripsky, CanFISH gear library; Erica Fuller, Conservation Law Foundation; Toby Mason, lobster fisherman; and Regina Asmutis-Silvia, Whale and Dolphin Conservation
In a panel co-hosted by SFP with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), panelists discussed the invaluable contribution of gear libraries in the US and Canada to protecting both threatened marine wildlife and fishers’ livelihoods. The participants all stressed the vital importance of getting the gear into the hands of fishermen, and the role of gear libraries in making this happen.
Supporting the transition to seabird-safe tuna fishing
In an event cohosted by SFP with the Southern Seabird Trust, participants looked at the organizations that are helping tuna companies reduce the bycatch of endangered albatrosses, using proven strategies and technologies that work.

Janice Molloy of the Southern Seabird Trust
Supply Chain Roundtable participants discuss strategies for future
Four of SFP’s Supply Chain Roundtables met during the Expo to discuss current activities and plan for the future.
The Mexican Snapper and Grouper SR met to discuss their workplan, SR recruitment, and their new Sustainable Sourcing Policy that eight members have signed onto, committing to prioritize sourcing from Mexican companies participating in fishery improvement projects (FIPs) and implement voluntary minimum size limits on several key species.
The Indonesian Snapper and Grouper SR met with the Indonesian Demersal Association (ADI) fishery improvement project (FIP) participants and agreed to join the FIP.
The Asian Farmed Shrimp SR met to plan the future scope and ambitions of the group. Participants companies also met with GSA representatives to discuss future BAP standard updates and communications. The SR also added a new participant – Mark Foods.
SFP Latin American Fisheries Director Teddy Escarabay gave an update to the Global Mahi SR on progress made toward sustainability in Eastern Pacific Ocean mahi, and the SR participants agreed to an outline of a workplan for 2025.

Seen on the Convention Floor
Thank you to all of our partners and colleagues who displayed our “Proud to Work with SFP” signs at their booths all around the Expo.

Alfa Gamma Group

Beacon Fisheries

Beaver Street Fisheries

Cox’s Shrimp Co.

Eastern Fish


Fortune Fish & Gourmet

Incredible Fish


Mauritanian Pavilion


Ocean Garden

Pacific Coral



Thai Union/Chicken of the Sea Frozen Foods

Water Street Seafood


Wood’s Fisheries

Meet the Team

Jim Cannon, Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Bill Bradford, Partnership Engagement Specialist, North America

Jen Levin, Partnership Engagement Manager
Supply Chains

Carmen González-Vallés, Director of Supply Chain Roundtables – Squid & Octopus

Kerry Marhefka, Supply Chain Roundtable Lead – Global Mahi and Indonesian Snapper & Grouper

Megan Westmeyer, Director of Supply Chain Roundtables
Biodiversity & Nature

Kathryn Novak, Biodiversity and Nature Director

Anne DiMonti, Protecting Ocean Wildlife Program Manager

Alexia Morgan, Ocean Wildlife Manager
Fisheries and Policy

Braddock Spear, Global Policy Director

Teddy Escarabay, Latin American Fisheries Director
Marketing and Communication

Charlotte Maiden, Media Relations Manager

Amy Sweeting, Senior Writer and Content Creator