Supply Chain Roundtable

Mexican Snapper and Grouper

Read the Snapper and Grouper Sector Sustainability Update 2021.

The Mexican Snapper and Grouper Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) convenes US importers to collaborate on snapper and grouper sustainability work in the Mexican area of the Gulf of Mexico. The SR monitors the work of existing FIPs in that region and addresses overarching issues, such as insufficient governance and illegal fishing.


Mexico is the fourth-largest snapper and grouper producing country in the world, contributing five percent of the global snapper and grouper sector volume. 

Mexico is the most important source of imported snapper and grouper to the United States. Mexican snapper and grouper is a significant trade commodity, and a substantial amount (primarily from the Gulf of Mexico) is exported to the United States.

A great deal of product (especially that harvested in the Pacific) also remains in the domestic market, which is beginning to engage in sustainability. 

See a list of all SR participants.

Sector Snapshot

2 Active Mexican Snapper & Grouper FIPs in Gulf of Mexico

12 Roundtable Participating Companies

10 % Regional Snapper and Grouper Production Improving

Join This Roundtable

To join this Supply Chain Roundtable or for more information, please contact Megan Westmeyer or call SFP at 1-808-726-2582.

Q1 2024 Update:

  • SR participants continue to discuss and request FIP participation with their suppliers in Mexico. The January 2024 Yucatan grouper FIP profile includes new FIP participant Pescados y Mas. The Campeche snapper FIP also reported the addition of a new FIP participant, B-Fish.
  • A Mexico to US Traceability webinar with simultaneous interpretation was held on February 22. The goal of the webinar was for Mexican exporters to learn more about current and future traceability requirements in the U.S. market, as well as the resources in Mexico and the U.S. that could help ease compliance with those requirements. The webinar was well attended by U.S. importers (10) and Mexican exporters (11). A recording is available. Contact SFP for more information.  
  • The Mexican Snapper and Grouper SR met in March during Seafood Expo North America. The purpose of the meeting was to update the SR participants and their suppliers on the progress on the workplan activities during 2023 and discuss how to continue and accelerate progress in 2024. Key points from the meeting are:
    • There has been good progress on expanding the number of SR participants and FIP participants in the last year, though further expansion is needed to ensure robust support for improvement work.  SR participants are committed to leading these recruitment efforts.
    • The Yucatan grouper FIP and Campeche snapper FIP are both making good progress, but need additional support from stakeholders in Mexico to continue and expand this good work.
    • The SR will establish and implement a sustainable sourcing policy by the end of 2024, including a FIP sourcing requirement and voluntary size restrictions on snapper and grouper imports from Mexico to disincentivize harvest of juvenile fish. 
    • The SR must engage in continual dialogue with the supply chain in Mexico to ensure the market is effectively supporting the needs of the on-the-ground improvement efforts.
  • To view the full history of this SR’s activities click here.

Sector Background

By late 2021, about 13 percent of the global snapper and grouper production was considered sustainable or improving, primarily due to the existence of two FIPs in Indonesia, the world’s largest producer of snapper and grouper (accounting for more than 40 percent of world production). FIPs in Mexico and Brazil (the fourth- and seventh-largest producers, respectively) also contribute a portion of the improving volume.

The success of T75 in the snapper and grouper sector depends upon key production countries, such as Mexico, to demonstrate that sustainable management and harvest of snapper and grouper is possible and to expand FIPs to a regional or national level.

The snapper and grouper sector comprises the wild and farmed snapper (Lutjanidae family) and grouper (Serranidae family) species. Most snapper and grouper species are coastal demersal fish, generally associated to hard-bottom habitats (rocky or reef areas). Snapper and grouper are highly valuable fish for US, European, and some Asian markets. These species are generally traded live, fresh (or chilled), or frozen. 

Activity & Workplan

Action Recommendations for SR Participants:

  • Expand SR participation.
  • Develop a Sustainable Sourcing Policy.
  • Ensure adequate support of improvement efforts.

SR Workplan

In May 2023, the Mexican Snapper and Grouper SR approved the 2023 workplan.

Join This Roundtable

To join this Supply Chain Roundtable or for more information, please contact Megan Westmeyer or call SFP at 1-808-726-2582.