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792 results

  • Feed Solution

    Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)

    What is it? IBAT is a tool to identify risk in sourcing areas for terrestrial ingredients bringing together constantly updated data from the IUCN red list of threatened species, Protected Planet’s world database on protected areas, and the world database of key biodiversity areas.  As part of the subscription package,…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco (IFACC)

    What is it? Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado, and Chaco (IFACC) is an initiative from the United Nations Environment Programme, the Nature Conservancy, and the Tropical Forest Alliance. IFACC serves as the “go-to” team for banks, companies, and investors seeking to expand innovative finance for deforestation/conversion-free beef and soy…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients (GRMI) (IFFO and SFP)

    What is it? The IFFO is an international trade organization that represents the marine ingredients industry, such as fishmeal, fish oil, and other related industries. Members include producers, traders, feed companies, edible oil refiners, retailers, financial institutions, and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative

    What is it? The IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative convenes, co-creates, and co-finances inclusive and sustainable solutions that enable people in business, investment, and government to create value for people and the planet.  The IDH brings public-private stakeholders together, building trust, aligning different interests, and creating a common language and…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Standard v2.0

    What is it? A standard for Icelandic vessels that focuses on fisheries management, compliance and monitoring, and ecosystem considerations.  The standard covers the following criteria.  Fisheries management  Fisheries Management System and Plan for Stock Assessment, Research, Advice and Harvest Controls; Research and Assessment;  Stock under Consideration, Harvesting Policy and the…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Gulf United for Lasting Fisheries (G.U.L.F.) Responsible Fisheries Management Standard v1.2

    What is it? Created and owned by the Audubon Nature Institute, The G.U.L.F. Responsible Fisheries Management Certification Standard is a tool for use in the evaluation of U.S. fisheries. The G.U.L.F. RFM Standard is divided into five sections.  The Fisheries Management System;  Data Collection, Stock Assessment, and Scientific Advice;  Management…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Soy moratorium working group – Grupo de trabalho sobre moratória da soja (GTS)

    What is it? The GTS is coordinated by Greenpeace and the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove). It includes representatives of the main soy trading companies, associated with Abiove and the National Association of Cereal Exporters (ANEC) and representatives of civil society organizations. The working group is responsible for…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Greenhouse Gas Protocol

    What is it? Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides standards, guidance, tools, and training for businesses and governments to measure and manage climate-warming emissions. It has produced globally standardized frameworks to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains, and mitigation actions. The Greenhouse Gas…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    Global Tuna Alliance

    What is it? The Global Tuna Alliance (GTA) was created as a sector-wide, multi-stakeholder initiative of Partners to build a shared, global, and non-competitive solution to sustainability issues in the global tuna supply chain. The GTA are committed to realizing harvest strategies for tuna fisheries, avoidance of illegal, unreported, and…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Feed Solution

    The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI)

    What is it? Representing approximately 40% of the global farmed salmon sector, the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) is a leadership initiative established by leading farmed salmon CEOs from around the world who share a vision of providing a healthy and sustainable source of protein to feed a growing population, while…
    Sardine bait ball