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831 results

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    Industry Leadership

    In all of our impact areas, SFP’s primary goal is to build industry leadership to take sustainability to scale. We work with fishers and other stakeholders to demonstrate what is possible. And then, as forward-thinking companies begin to adopt these strategies, we step back and let them lead. 
    mixed seafood at supermarket
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    Resilient Communities

    Any efforts to improve the sustainability of seafood must involve the people who produce that seafood in the first place. SFP works to advance opportunities for fishing communities worldwide, to improve their livelihoods and ensure that they can keep delivering seafood to a hungry world. Creating resilient livelihoods and communities…
    fishers and boats at Beach in Senegal
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    Abundant Fisheries

    When there are plenty of fish in the sea, companies have an assured supply of product, consumers have access to low-carbon protein, and fishing communities and ocean ecosystems thrive. Yet, while governments are ultimately responsible for preserving and maintaining the health of fish stocks, not all governments have the necessary…
    fisherman catching fish in net on boat
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    Healthy Ecosystems

    When we talk about sustainable fisheries, it’s not just about the fish. It’s also about where they live. Healthy, balanced ecosystems lead to abundant fisheries and benefit industry, nature, and communities. SFP bridges the gap between companies that want to take action to protect biodiversity and nature and organizations that…
    Sea turtle and shark swimming over reef with fish
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    Reducing bycatch

    Fishing vessels unintentionally capture hundreds of thousands of non-target species every year, including sharks, sea turtles, marine mammals, and sea birds. But there are practical solutions for reducing this bycatch, including adoption of best practices, increased monitoring, and development of new technologies.
    small shark cruises a reef populated by a school of small red fish
  • Press Release

    SFP and Hilborn Lab launch the latest version of the FIP database

    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and the Hilborn Lab at the University of Washington have launched the latest update of their Fishery Improvement Projects Database (FIP-DB). The database is a comprehensive resource for tracking the scope, attributes, and progress of fishery improvement projects (FIPs) worldwide, along with the fisheries they aim…
  • People

    Lewis Le Vay

    Lewis Le Vay is an applied marine scientist with over 35 years of experience in research across a wide range of sectors, from aquaculture, fisheries, and offshore energy, to interactions of coastal environmental quality and human health. He likes to work at the interface between academic research and real-world applications,…
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    Mock up of home

    At Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, we do not choose sides or pit one group against another. Instead, we bring industry, NGOs, governments, fishers, scientists, and academics to the table together. And then we give them the tools to jointly find solutions that benefit nature, industry, and people.
    Sardine school of fish underwater
  • Feed Solution

    Blue Food Performance (BFP)

    What is it? Blue Food Performance Ltd (BFP) offers scientifically verified sustainability assessments, including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), for seafood organizations at any point along the value chain. This is achieved through a unique collaboration between industry and academia, utilizing the latest knowledge to ensure scientific integrity and commercial relevance.…
    Sardine bait ball
  • Event

    Seafood Expo North America 2025

    North America’s largest seafood show takes place March 16-18 this year at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Come see us at Booth #1075 to learn more about how we can help you improve the sustainability of your seafood. Visit our Seafood Expo North America 2025 page for all the…