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812 results

  • eNewsletter

    SFP News April 2017

  • Press Release

    SFP welcomes Publix commitment to seafood transparency

    Retailer becomes first US company to make disclosure SFP today welcomed Publix’s move to publish a list of all of the fisheries used within the company’s seafood department to source wild seafood, along with information on management, catch method, and environmental impact. The data disclosure exercise – part of the…
  • Press Release

    Indonesia fisheries ministry: FIPs are good for our fisheries

    The Indonesian seafood industry will continue to benefit from ongoing fishery improvement projects (FIPs), especially in the cold chain sector, according to a representative from the Indonesian Fisheries Ministry who attended an SFP industry meeting in Boston today.  Nilanto Perbowo, Director General of Product Competitiveness at the Ministry of Marine…
  • Press Release

    SFP announces combination of squid SRs

    BOSTON – Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) is pleased to announce the merging of two squid Supply Chain Roundtables (SRs) that together will encompass more than 20 squid fisheries worldwide and pave the way toward a more sustainable global squid industry. Industrial stakeholders backing the two SRs, which encompass squid production…
  • Press Release

    FIP reports on SFP’s FIP Directory moving to an improved platform

    SFP created the FIP Directory as a temporary solution to a question frequently received from industry: “Where can I report progress of my FIP?” The website, launched in 2014, has been home to nearly 75 FIPs and has gained strong industry recognition as a go-to source for FIP information. The…
  • Blog Post

    Maintaining momentum with sustainability sessions

    Last year, SFP celebrated its 10th anniversary – a proud milestone for us and for the sustainable seafood community at large. We have always been committed to keeping our partners up to date on developments in the sustainable seafood movement, and this year we launched our first ever immersion program…
    Shark swimming in the middle of a school of fish
  • Publication

    2017 Tuna Procurement Specifications

    SFP's advice on tuna procurement specifications for canned tuna and fresh/frozen yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna.
  • Press Release

    Leading retailers and suppliers write to WCPFC

    Leading retailers and suppliers have written to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to ask for interim target and limit reference points to be introduced as quickly as possible to help manage tuna and associated by-catch sustainably. The signatories of the letter include retailers such as: Giant Eagle, Publix…
  • eNewsletter

    SFP News November 2016

  • Press Release

    ODP welcomes new UK company

    Joseph Robertson of Aberdeen will be the UK’s first seafood supplier to participate in the transparency project. Morrisons, Skretting, the Co-Operative, Biomar and Asda are all renewing their participation in the project this year. As part of their involvement, participating companies voluntarily and publicly disclose and discuss details on their…