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792 results

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    Tropical Forest Alliance

    What is it? The Tropical Forest Alliance is a multi-stakeholder partnership platform established to support companies through the ongoing global transition to deforestation-free supply chains for commodities including palm oil, soy, beef, and paper/pulp.  They catalyze the power of collective action to drive the world’s transition to deforestation-free supply chains,…
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    What is it? Trase is a tool providing open access data and insights to enable organizations, including governments, finance, companies, and NGOs to identify risks of deforestation in commodity supply chains. Trase is a partnership between Global Canopy and the Stockholm Environment Institute, which works with data developers, researchers, designers,…
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    What is it? The TerraBrasilis web portal is a platform developed by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) to provide access to spatial data generated by the government’s environment monitoring programs. TerraBrasilis provides access to a range of forest change and active fire maps and dashboards. For example, PRODES…
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    Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

    What is it? The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is a market-led and science-based initiative supported by national governments, businesses, and financial institutions worldwide.  The Taskforce consists of 40 senior executives from companies and financial institutions globally representing over $20 trillion in assets under management with operations and value…
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    Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

    What is it? The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to develop recommendations on the types of information that companies should disclose to support investors, lenders, and insurance underwriters in appropriately assessing and pricing a specific set of risks – those…
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    Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC)

    What is it? The Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) is a pre-competitive improvement initiative whose members represent all sectors of the seafood supply chain. Its vision is that all seafood sold is from sustainable sources. The SSC has four strategic aims: To publish the SSC Codes of Conduct which reflect good…
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    The Soy Transparency Coalition (STC)

    What is it? The Soy Transparency Coalition (STC) is a pre-competitive coalition that aims to help supply chain companies and investors overcome transparency challenges in the soy sector to deliver a sustainable production system. Participation in the STC is open to all retailers involved in the soy sector and committed…
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    Soy on Track Platform

    What is it? The Soy on Track Project and Platform is a joint effort to strengthen social and environmental commitments and corporate policies of the soy value chain in the Amazon and Cerrado regions. It serves as a one-stop hub to provide access to systems, tools, data, and technical information…
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    Soft Commodities Forum (SCF)

    What is it? The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) is a soy trader forum under the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)  focused on building transparent and traceable supply chains in the Cerrado region of Brazil. The SCF works to increase supply chain traceability and transparency in the Brazilian Cerrado…
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    SNDI dashboard for assessing deforestation risks linked to French soy imports

    What is it? As part of France’s National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI), the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion has created a dashboard for assessing deforestation risks linked to French soy imports. This dashboard is available to public and private stakeholders for an assessment of the…
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