Join us in Boston!
Seafood Expo North America 2025
Visit us on the Expo floor at Booth #1075 and join us at the following panels and events, to learn more about how we can help you improve the sustainability of your seafood.

Improving Transparency: How electronic monitoring can benefit the seafood industry
Panel: Monday, March 17, 9:15-10:00 a.m., Room 152
Electronic monitoring (EM) programs can benefit all levels of the supply chain, if designed properly. Traceability and data-sharing are key design components for buyer assurance and effective verification of fishery performance and compliance. One challenge for many current EM initiatives is how to move beyond the pilot phase. In this panel, we will hear from stakeholders across the supply chain about their experiences with piloting EM, what they need out of EM programs, and their ideas for scaling its use.
Moderator: Braddock Spear, SFP Global Policy Director
Speakers: Andrea Yarbrough, Merchant, Walmart; Chris Shearlock, Ambient Sustainability Director, Thai Union; Robert Nunez, longline vessel owner, Costa Rica; Stacy Schultz, Director of Supply Chain Stewardship, Fortune Fish & Gourmet

The Future of Aquaculture is Now: Seafood sustainability and stewardship legends share their visions, predictions, and a new roadmap for the sector

Panel: Tuesday, March 18, 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Room 153A
Two longtime seafood leaders will share their thoughts on the future of aquaculture in a participatory, interactive dialogue, exploring how the industry can drive more responsible production and the role of certification programs in advancing these priorities. Focusing on farmed shrimp in India, they will share their vision of a new participatory, multi-sectoral roadmap for aquaculture.
Moderator: Kathryn Novak, SFP Biodiversity and Nature Director
Jim Cannon, SFP Chief Executive Officer
Chris Ninnes, Aquaculture Stewardship Council Chief Executive Officer
Bycatch Solutions Showcase
Monday, March 17, 2:00-4:00 pm, Conference Room 206B
Join our Protecting Ocean Wildlife team to learn more about practices and technologies that can reduce bycatch of non-target species in wild-capture fisheries. The Showcase will feature representatives of projects that have already been funded through our Bycatch Solutions Hub, and others that are currently posted and seeking funding. Learn more about who will be at the Showcase.

Improving access to on-demand fishing gear through gear libraries

Panel: Monday, March 17, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Room 206B
Increased availability and adoption of on-demand fishing gear will significantly reduce the threat of deadly entanglements to right whales. However, high costs keep gear out of reach of individual lobster and crab harvesters facing closures. Join us to learn how on-demand gear libraries in the US and Canada are helping alleviate the financial burden while also training fishermen on how to use the gear, collecting data for scientists working to reduce entanglements, and helping manufacturers improve gear efficacy.
Co-hosted with the International Fund for Animal Welfare
Supporting the transition to seabird-safe tuna fishing
Panel: Monday, March 17, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Room 206B
The future of many seabird populations is dependent on the tuna longline industry making some practical on-vessel changes. The good news is that solutions exist and populations can recover quickly. Join us to learn more about the organizations, including tuna companies, environmental NGOs, and governments that are working together to help tuna companies transition to seabird-safe fishing.
Co-hosted with the Southern Seabird Trust

Credit: Peter Marriott
Supply Chain Roundtable Meetings & Events
Join other suppliers in your sector at an SFP Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) meeting, where participants will discuss best practices and other improvement initiatives, develop strategies, and review workplans.
All meetings and events will take place in Conference Room 207.

Monday, March 17, 12:45-1:45 p.m.
This meeting is open only to current SR participants. Contact Braddock Spear for more information and to RSVP.

Monday, March 17, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
This meeting will be open to any interested buyers or suppliers of mahi-mahi from 2:30-3:00 and then limited to just current SR participants from 3:00-3:30. Contact Kerry Marhefka for more information and to RSVP.

Monday, March 17, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Come meet SR lead Carmen González-Vallés to learn more about the SR. Come with your questions and bring your customers and suppliers. Anyone welcome!

Monday, March 17, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Come meet SR lead Carmen González-Vallés to learn more about the SR. Come with your questions and bring your customers and suppliers. Anyone welcome!

Indonesian Snapper & Grouper SR
Monday, March 17, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
This meeting is open only to current SR participants. Contact Kerry Marhefka for more information and to RSVP.

Monday, March 17, 8:00-9:30 a.m.
This meeting will be open to any interested buyers or suppliers of Mexican snapper and grouper from 8:00-9:00 and then limited to just current SR participants from 9:00-9:30. Contact Megan Westmeyer for more information and to RSVP.
Launching Science Based Targets for Seafood: A Tool for Industry
Panel: Tuesday, March 18, 10:00-11:00 a.m., Room 153CB
The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) Ocean Hub will launch its completed V1 science-based target guidance for seafood, introducing SBTN and the objectives of the guidance for seafood value chains. The panel will explore how companies can leverage this new guidance to drive positive environmental impact, mitigate supply chain risks, and unlock new opportunities within their seafood systems. The Ocean Hub’s technical leads will share experiences of companies that participated in SBTN’s pilot of the methodology and highlight key benefits of target-setting.
A conference badge is required to attend this event. For those unable to attend, there will be a follow-up webinar on March 25.

“Proud to Work with SFP” signs and badges available
Show your support for SFP and your commitment to sustainable seafood with signs and artwork to display at the Expo. You can choose one of two options:
- Print your own sign or materials: Artwork for “Proud to Work with SFP” signs and badges can be downloaded here. If you are going to use the artwork in signs or other printed materials, please let us know.
- Let us bring you a sign for your booth: We can also print one or more signs and deliver them to your booth on the first morning of the Expo. Please complete this form to order signs.
Meet the Team

Jim Cannon, Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Bill Bradford, Partnership Engagement Specialist, North America

Jen Levin, Partnership Engagement Manager
Supply Chains

Carmen González-Vallés, Director of Supply Chain Roundtables – Squid & Octopus

Kerry Marhefka, Supply Chain Roundtable Lead – Global Mahi and Indonesian Snapper & Grouper

Megan Westmeyer, Director of Supply Chain Roundtables
Biodiversity & Nature

Kathryn Novak, Biodiversity and Nature Director

Anne DiMonti, Protecting Ocean Wildlife Program Manager

Alexia Morgan, Ocean Wildlife Manager
Fisheries and Policy

Braddock Spear, Global Policy Director

Teddy Escarabay, Latin American Fisheries Director
Marketing and Communication

Charlotte Maiden, Media Relations Manager

Amy Sweeting, Senior Writer and Content Creator