Supply Chain Roundtable

Asian Farmed Shrimp

Read the Asian Farmed Shrimp SR 2023 workplan.

The Asian Farmed Shrimp Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) is an industry-led coalition of North American and European importers of Asian farmed shrimp. The SR focuses on addressing priority sustainability issues affecting shrimp production, including the effects of climate change.

The SR is a vehicle for driving change in major shrimp producing countries. The members advocate for policy and regulatory change through their supply chain networks and support the engagement of shrimp buyers with new and existing multi-stakeholder aquaculture improvement projects.

Building resilience against the effects of climate change on aquaculture farmers is possible through the implementation of landscape-based climate adaptation and mitigation projects. For example, a group of farmers can come together to coordinate mangrove restoration over a shared area, to build resilience against the impacts of climate change while also supporting carbon sequestration. Connecting shrimp buyers to these projects creates critical incentives and rewards that support farmers and governments in adopting this approach.

The current geographic focus of the SR is the major farmed shrimp producing regions of Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Members also continue to explore how to support improvements in other countries, including China and India.

Sector Snapshot

8 Active Asian Farmed Shrimp AIPs

8 Roundtable Participating Companies

14.2 % Farmed Shrimp Production Certified or in an AIP

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Impact & Updates

The SR has shifted its strategic focus for 2023 to better understanding the risks of a changing climate on farmed shrimp supply chains, and taking action to mitigate and adapt to these risks through initiating new AIPs or supporting existing ones to broaden their improvement efforts.

Q2 2024 Update:

  • The SR met virtually in early April to share information, concerns, and questions in response to the allegations posed in the AP/Outlaw Oceans reporting about environmental and human rights abuses in Andhra Pradesh shrimp processing. The main area of concern identified was the extent to which pre-processing plants are being used and whether they are registered with the government. SR companies agreed to look deeper into their supply chains and explore any collective actions that could help address the situation.
  • The SR also met in June to learn more about the IDH Aquaculture Working Group on Environmental Footprint. Several SR companies are already members of the group, which has set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets, conducted GHG inventories, and calculated carbon footprints of their supply chains. The call was to offer other SR companies to join or at least to align its targets, evaluations, and actions to the working group.

Sector Background

Farmed shrimp accounts for more than two-thirds of production in the large-shrimp sector (shrimps larger than 100 per pound). The 2022 Target 75 (T75) analysis carried out by SFP shows that the volume of farmed shrimp classified as improving (wither certified to BAp >1 star, ASC, GlobalGAP, or in an aquaculture improvement project) increased from 660,000 tonnes in 2021 to >1 million tonnes. This represents 14.2% of global farmed production, an increase from 10.2% in 2021. This increase is mainly driven by an increase in farm certification in Ecuador, India, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and, to a lesser extent, by the launch of new aquaculture improvement projects (AIPs).

Farmed shrimp is a major import product into North American and European markets. It is typically produced in tropical countries, the bulk of it in Asia. Target 75 can only be achieved by expanding improvement efforts to shrimp production in China, which produces almost 2.5 million tonnes of large farmed shrimp and accounts for more than one-quarter of the large-shrimp sector. 

Key issues include ensuring proper site selection and spatial planning to effectively manage disease risk and public water quality, and protection of sensitive habitats and ecosystems. There are also important considerations regarding marine feed ingredient sourcing and ensuring continued opportunities for small-scale producers.

Activity & Workplan

The Asian Farmed Shrimp SR can play a key role in supporting climate change resilience and adaptation in Asian shrimp farming regions, while also creating benefits for SR participants. Landscape-based climate mitigation projects can help build resilience and allow aquaculture farmers to adapt to the effects of climate change.

Typically, the opportunities to drive progress of climate change policies are not within the operations of an individual business (i.e., Scope 1 and 2 emissions), but rather can be achieved by addressing the indirect impacts within a company’s value chain (i.e., Scope 3 emissions). This means that addressing climate change requires businesses to work both within and beyond their direct supply chains. The SR’s 2023 workplan supports engagement of the entire supply chain by promoting dialogue, exchanging information in a pre-competitive fashion, and supporting education, ultimately facilitating global opportunities to foster climate change resilience and adaptation in aquaculture.

Read the full 2023 workplan.

To subscribe to the quarterly Asian Farmed Shrimp SR newsletter, please click here.

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To join this Supply Chain Roundtable or for more information, please contact SFP.