SFP Advisory Services

Explore Seafood Metrics

Tailored solutions for sustainability success

Seafood Metrics empowers your business with customizable features, driving success in your specific domain.

Explore our innovative solutions, designed for individual users and teams alike. Our tool empowers your business with customizable features, driving success in your specific domain.

Seafood Metrics for Customers

Purchasing staff: Our tools and resources allow you to easily review the status of various commodities.

CSR/ESG reporting: Seafood Metrics provides your business with ready-to-go reports that include all the data provided by your suppliers for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting purposes.

Seafood Metrics wild sustainability ratings
Seafood Metrics farmed sustainability ratings

Seafood Metrics for Suppliers

Reporting for customers: Streamlined reporting tools to facilitate efficient communication with your customers.

Seafood metrics find and add fishery screenshot
Seafood Metrics manual data entry screen

Seafood Metrics Resources

  • Seafood Metrics

    SFP's cutting-edge, data-driven tool to help your business make informed sustainability decisions, optimize operations, and implement sustainable practices.
  • Choose your system

    Whether you are a seafood customer or supplier, there is a Seafood Metrics system for you.
  • Decoding Seafood Metrics risk ratings

    Capture and report your seafood sourcing in a consistent format, aligned with international standards.

Your business transformation starts here.

Contact SFP for a free consultation, to learn more about how Seafood Metrics can redefine sustainability success for your business.