Supply Chain Roundtable

Americas Snapper and Grouper

Last Update: April 2018

The Americas Snapper and Grouper Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) operated from 2014­–2018 and focused on monitoring sustainability status and issues of snapper and grouper stocks in North, Central, and South America and pushing for improvements where needed. In April 2018, the SR was merged with the Mexican Seafood SR, because of the participants’ primary interest in Mexican snapper and grouper fisheries. In April 2021, the Mexican Seafood SR was dissolved and a new Mexican Snapper and Grouper SR was formed. 

Roundtable Participants

Participants in 2018:

Alfa Gamma Group

Beacon Fisheries

Beaver Street Fisheries

Chefs Trading

The Fishin’ Co.

Incredible Fish


New England Marine Atlanta

Quirch Foods Co.

Sea Delight

Seafarers, Inc.