Fishery Improvement Projects

SFP pioneered the use of fishery improvement projects (FIPs) to address environmental challenges in marine fisheries.

A FIP brings together retailers, processors, producers, and fishers to demand and leverage better management of marine resources, by identifying environmental issues and implementing priority actions to address the root causes of fishery depletion.

SFP has been a strong proponent of industry leadership in fishery improvement efforts. Today, more than half of the world’s FIPs are industry-led.

Bar graph showing the cumulative number of FIPs established from 2007 to 2021
Graph showing the cumulative production of fish from fishery improvement projects from 2003-2021
Large shrimp

FIP Evaluation Program

SFP’s FIP Evaluation Tool defines and assesses FIPs against six stages of achievement. Our FIP Progress Ratings system uses time benchmarks to understand the rate at which a fishery is improving and assigns a letter grade from A to E. 

FIP Evaluation Program

FIP and AIP Archive

SFP’s FIP and AIP Archive includes FIPs and AIPs that SFP once directly supported, but which are now led by industry or another third party.

FIP Research Database

FIP database 2022

Developed by SFP and the Hilborn Lab at the University of Washington, the Fishery Improvement Projects Database (FIP-DB) is a powerful tool for understanding how internal and external factors affect FIP performance and success, ultimately leading to better FIP management design and implementation. The database includes time series data on every FIP that has been established since 2003.

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Learn more about fishery improvement projects.