Today we’re extending an invitation to join us in exploring some exciting projects and initiatives shaping the future of the seafood industry.

At the heart of SFP is a focus on ingenuity and collaboration, propelling the seafood sector forward to the frontiers of progress. Our partners and colleagues are leaders of innovation, committed to challenging conventions and igniting change. Through their dedication and passion, they continually redefine what’s achievable, inspiring us all to reach higher.

A central part of our approach involves pre-competitive alliances between companies that foster an environment of shared knowledge and collaboration. Specifically, SFP’s Supply Chain Roundtables (SRs) serve as crucibles of innovation, where industry leaders convene to address challenges and pioneer sustainable solutions.

SRs bring together processors, importers, and other stakeholders who purchase directly from specific fishery sectors to collaborate in a pre-competitive setting. Their aim? To collectively drive enhancements across the entire supply chain.

The upcoming Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona will offer a unique opportunity for any interested companies or other stakeholders to gain insight into the work of our Global Squid and Global Octopus SRs. These meetings will be open to non-SR participants, offering a rare glimpse into the collaborative efforts driving sustainability in our supply chains. It’s a chance for all stakeholders to engage firsthand, understanding how they can contribute to and benefit from enhanced sustainability practices.

Please check out the official invitation below. We hope to see you in Barcelona!

Interested in learning about what the Global Squid and Global Octopus Supply Chain Roundtables are working on?

Participants in the Global Squid and Global Octopus SRs collaborate in a pre-competitive manner to address issues such as sustainability, human rights, and due diligence in the value chain.

While these SRs have made good progress, we know there is still a long way to go. To reach our goals, we need more companies committed to:

  • Promoting fishery improvement project (FIPs) or other improvement initiatives
  • Involving all their suppliers, including fishers, producers, and processors
  • Implementing policies and procurement practices that address IUU fishing and human rights and ensure that due diligence is carried out
  • Identifying, monitoring, and addressing risks that arise in global value chains.

Please invite your suppliers to participate in one or more of our Supply Chain Roundtables!

Two informative open meetings will be held in Barcelona at Seafood Expo Global:

  • Global Squid: Wednesday, April 24, 10:00-11:15 a.m., Room CC4.4. Register here.
  • Global Octopus: Wednesday, April 24, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Room CC4.4. Register here.

Additionally, SFP’s Supply Chain Roundtables Director Carmen González-Vallés will be at SFP’s Stand #3N502 to tell you more about each SR’s work.


¿Sabes lo que las supply chain roundtables de pulpo y calamares y potas están trabajando?

Los participantes de las mesas sectoriales de calamares y pulpo colaboran de manera pre-competitiva para abordar problemas como la sostenibilidad de los recursos, los derechos humanos y la debida diligencia en la cadena de valor.

Sabemos que queda un largo camino por recorrer, y para eso necesitamos más empresas comprometidas a 

  • Promover FIPs u otras iniciativas de mejora
  • Involucrar a todos sus proveedores desde origen, contando con pescadores, productores y transformadores 
  • Implementar políticas que aborden los derechos humanos y asegurar que se lleva a cabo la debida diligencia
  • Identificar, monitorear y abordar los riesgos que aparezcan en las cadenas de valor globales de forma conjunta

¡Invita a tus proveedores a participar en las mesas sectoriales!

En Barcelona se celebrarán dos reuniones informativas abiertas a la participación de cualquier empresa:

Pulpo registro aquí

Calamares registro aquí

Además, nuestra compañera Carmen González-Vallés estará en nuestro stand para resolver dudas o responder a cuestiones sobre el trabajo que se está llevando a cabo en cada grupo.