Supply Chain Roundtable

Gulf of California Shrimp

Last Update: April 2018

The Gulf of California Shrimp Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) operated from 2014­–2018, focusing on monitoring the sustainability status of shrimp fisheries and pushing for improvements where needed. In April 2018, the SR was merged with the Mexican Seafood SR, because the primary improvement needs for Gulf of California shrimp fisheries overlap with the policy improvement goals of the Mexican Seafood SR. In April 2018, the Mexican Seafood SR was dissolved, and a new Mexican Shrimp SR was formed. 

Roundtable Participants

Participants in 2018:

Albion Fisheries


Blessings Seafood

Delta Blue Aquaculture

Del Pacifico Seafoods

Eastern Fish

Fortune Fish Co

Ocean Garden Products

PROMARMEX/Amende & Schultz

Red Chamber/Meridian

Seattle Fish

Slade Gorton & Company

Tampa Bay Fisheries

Tai Foong USA

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