SNDI dashboard for assessing deforestation risks linked to French soy imports
What is it?
As part of France’s National Strategy to Combat Imported Deforestation (SNDI), the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion has created a dashboard for assessing deforestation risks linked to French soy imports. This dashboard is available to public and private stakeholders for an assessment of the risk of exposure to deforestation of French soy imports from Brazil.
How to use it
This dashboard tracks soy imported into France going back through the supply chains from Brazil. In each Brazilian municipality, soy production areas that have suffered deforestation in the five years preceding production are identified.
A risk of deforestation is then attributed to French imports in proportion to their market share. This is, therefore, a risk of exposure to deforestation, and not a proven liability, the calculation being based on an assumption of proportionality.
The user defines a risk threshold which is used to classify soy flows into “low” or “high” deforestation risk categories. As many production municipalities are free of deforestation, it is generally a small volume of flows that concentrates the majority of exposure to deforestation.
Thus, if the threshold is set at 90% (default value), the tool will identify the smallest volume of commercial flows associated with 90% of the exposure to the risk of deforestation (flows in red with “high risk”).