Gear Innovation
How Industry can encourage uptake of on-demand gear
The seafood industry – from buyers and retailers to vessel owners and fishers – can support and participate in piloting on-demand gear.
Ensuring a sustainable future for lobster and crab fisheries while at the same time protecting whales and other marine wildlife will require the continual improvement of on-demand systems to ensure that they are effective and available for widespread commercial use. Gear trials and pilot projects can get lines out of the water while capturing important feedback from fishers.
Here’s how you can help:
Major Buyers and Retailers
1. Make a gear donation (SFP can help facilitate this) to NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center Gear Library or the CanFISH Gear Lending Program.
- Contact NEFSC:
- Contact CanFISH:
2. Encourage your supply chain to reach out and get involved in piloting on-demand gear (more details for vessel owners below).
Vessel Owners and Fishers
1. Review NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) requirements for participants and vessels looking to borrow gear. The requirements cover permits and landings, research capability, vessel safety standards, and data collection and handling requirements.
2. Reach out to NEFSC to express interest in borrowing and piloting gear from the Gear Library.
- Contact NEFSC:
- NEFSC also provides an online form to submit an expression of interest.
3. Review NOAA information on scientific research and exempted fishing permits.
4. Join the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab FIP.

Be part of the solution.
Contact SFP to learn more about how we can help you support or participate in piloting on-demand gear.