SFP’s Bycatch Solutions Hub bridges the gap between innovation and action to reverse the decline of ocean wildlife and deliver solutions that the seafood industry can easily support. The Hub connects companies that want to reduce bycatch in their supply chain and help fix the global bycatch problem with organizations that are implementing in-the-water solutions to reverse the decline of ocean wildlife.
At our 4th annual Bycatch Solutions Showcase, which took place during Seafood Expo North America 2025, representatives of projects that have already been funded through the Bycatch Solutions Hub, and others that are currently posted and seeking funding presented their work and gear.
- Electronic monitoring in Eastern Pacific large pelagics longline fisheries, The Nature Conservancy, Martec, and Publix
- Maine lobster fishery ghost gear prevention, Blue Ocean Gear, Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation, Global Ghost Gear Initiative, Net Your Problem, Publix
- Non-entangling biodegradable jelly FAD development and deployment for the tuna purse seine fishery, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
- Satellite buoys in California’s deep-set buoy gear swordfish fishery: Supporting the transition away from gillnets, Blue Ocean Gear and Santa Monica Seafood
- Seabird-safe toolkit, Southern Seabird Trust
- Supporting access to on-demand gear for Canadian snow crab harvesters, canFISH, Publix, and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab FIP
- Supporting access to on-demand gear for New England lobster harvesters, Publix, NOAA
We also featured information on the following projects:
- Comprehensive bycatch reduction in Vietnamese tuna fisheries, Sea Delight and Vietnam Tuna Association
- Modified purse seines to reduce seabird bycatch in a Chilean reduction fishery, Birdlife International, Albatross Task Force – Chile, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- Reducing dolphin and porpoise bycatch in European cod gillnets, Fishtek Marine and Havforsknings Institute
- Seabird bycatch reduction in Indian Ocean tuna longline fisheries: Fishing with Hookpods, Thai Union, Hookpod, and Key Traceability
- Supporting access to on-demand gear for Maine lobster harvesters, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Publix
What is bycatch?
Bycatch is the capture of non-target species, such as sharks, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds during fishing.