Soy on Track Platform
What is it?
The Soy on Track Project and Platform is a joint effort to strengthen social and environmental commitments and corporate policies of the soy value chain in the Amazon and Cerrado regions. It serves as a one-stop hub to provide access to systems, tools, data, and technical information for a deforestation-free soy chain in these regions. Producers, soy traders, soy industry representatives, and also investors can use the platform to find the materials they need to improve and implement their commitments and policies.
- For producers, it provides information for soy farmers to put in place environmental safeguards aligned with market commitments;
- For traders and industry, it offers access to systems, tools, data, and technical information to help the soy industry and soy traders do their part to reach a deforestation-free soy chain in the Amazon and Cerrado regions;
- For investors, it provides updated information on the implementation of the Soy Moratorium (including audits), the progress of sectoral and corporate policies in the Cerrado biome, supports the development of accountability systems concerning responsible investments in the land use sector; and provides compliance assessments of soy companies with investor’s requirements.
For example, it provides a list of companies operating in the soybean chain and shows which ones have signed the commitments of the Soy Moratorium and/or the Green Grain Protocol of Pará state.