International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)


Tool Type

Monitoring and reporting | Risk assessments

Risk Type


Feed Ingredients

drawing of an algae cell


line drawing of a chicken

Animal proteins (LAP/PAP)

link drawing of a fish skeleton

Aquaculture trimmings

line drawing of wheat sprigs


line drawing of insect larvae


line drawing of a palm with an oil droplet

Oil palm

line drawing of dna and molecule structure

Single-cell proteins (SCP)

line drawing of soy pods


line drawing of a vitamin gel capsule

Vitamins & minerals

line drawing of a fish

Wild capture fisheries

What is it?

ISSF is a global coalition of acclaimed scientists, seafood industry leaders, and environmental champions launched the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and based on shared concerns about the future of tuna fisheries and a desire to do something about it — together. They conduct collaborative scientific research and advocate sustainable fishing policies — promoting best practices to vessel owners, fishers, seafood companies, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, and other stakeholders.