Soy moratorium working group – Grupo de trabalho sobre moratória da soja (GTS)


Tool Type


Risk Type

Climate change | Environmental

Feed Ingredients

drawing of an algae cell


line drawing of a chicken

Animal proteins (LAP/PAP)

link drawing of a fish skeleton

Aquaculture trimmings

line drawing of wheat sprigs


line drawing of insect larvae


line drawing of a palm with an oil droplet

Oil palm

line drawing of dna and molecule structure

Single-cell proteins (SCP)

line drawing of soy pods


line drawing of a vitamin gel capsule

Vitamins & minerals

line drawing of a fish

Wild capture fisheries

What is it?

The GTS is coordinated by Greenpeace and the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove). It includes representatives of the main soy trading companies, associated with Abiove and the National Association of Cereal Exporters (ANEC) and representatives of civil society organizations.

The working group is responsible for overseeing the Amazon Soy Moratorium. It also includes representatives from the main soy traders and NGOs including WWF Brazil, The Nature Conservancy, Imaflora, Amazon Environmental Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia; IPAM), and the Earth Innovation Institut.