Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM)


United States

Tool Type


Risk Type


Feed Ingredients

drawing of an algae cell


line drawing of a chicken

Animal proteins (LAP/PAP)

link drawing of a fish skeleton

Aquaculture trimmings

line drawing of wheat sprigs


line drawing of insect larvae


line drawing of a palm with an oil droplet

Oil palm

line drawing of dna and molecule structure

Single-cell proteins (SCP)

line drawing of soy pods


line drawing of a vitamin gel capsule

Vitamins & minerals

line drawing of a fish

Wild capture fisheries

What is it? 

Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) standard is a third-party certification program for wild-capture fisheries, similar to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) on the aquaculture side.

Fisheries Standard Version 2.1 and Version 1.3 address surveillance audits of existing certified fisheries.

The remit of the RFM Fisheries Standard and Program is: “To establish and maintain a program that provides for independent third party certification of Responsible Fisheries Management, including enhancement practices (but excluding full-cycle aquaculture), up to the point of landing, with the main objective being the biological sustainability of the “stock under consideration”, with consideration for conservation, biodiversity, and ecosystem integrity; and due regard to social responsibility and the economic viability of the fishery.”

These requirements must be achieved by North American fisheries operating within the U.S. and Canadian 200 nm EEZ for Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification.

The RFM Fisheries Standard V 2.1 focuses on 6 Key Principles for evaluating fisheries:

  • The Fisheries Management System;
  • Science and Stock Assessment Activities;
  • The Precautionary Approach;
  • Management Measure;
  • Implementation, Monitoring and Control; and,
  • Serious Impacts of the Fishery on the Ecosystem.