Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Standard v2.0


Tool Type


Risk Type


Feed Ingredients

drawing of an algae cell


line drawing of a chicken

Animal proteins (LAP/PAP)

link drawing of a fish skeleton

Aquaculture trimmings

line drawing of wheat sprigs


line drawing of insect larvae


line drawing of a palm with an oil droplet

Oil palm

line drawing of dna and molecule structure

Single-cell proteins (SCP)

line drawing of soy pods


line drawing of a vitamin gel capsule

Vitamins & minerals

line drawing of a fish

Wild capture fisheries

What is it?

A standard for Icelandic vessels that focuses on fisheries management, compliance and monitoring, and ecosystem considerations. 

The standard covers the following criteria. 

  1. Fisheries management 
    • Fisheries Management System and Plan for Stock Assessment, Research, Advice and Harvest Controls;
    • Research and Assessment; 
    • Stock under Consideration, Harvesting Policy and the Precautionary Approach;
    • External Scientific Review; and,
    • Advice and Decisions on Total Allowable Catch (TAC)
  2. Compliance and monitoring
    • Implementation, Compliance, Monitoring, Surveillance and Control;
    • Concordance between actual Catch and allowable Catch; and,
    • Monitoring and Control
  3. Ecosystem considerations
    • Adverse impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem shall be considered and appropriately assessed and effectively addressed, consistent with the precautionary approach, and those impacts that are likely to have serious consequences shall be addressed. This may take the form of an immediate management response or further analysis of the identified risk. 
    • Information gathering and advice;
    • By-catch and discards;
    • Habitat Considerations;
    • Food Web Considerations; and,
    • Precautionary Considerations