Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management Standard v2.1

United States


Tool Type


Risk Type


Feed Ingredients

drawing of an algae cell


line drawing of a chicken

Animal proteins (LAP/PAP)

link drawing of a fish skeleton

Aquaculture trimmings

line drawing of wheat sprigs


line drawing of insect larvae


line drawing of a palm with an oil droplet

Oil palm

line drawing of dna and molecule structure

Single-cell proteins (SCP)

line drawing of soy pods


line drawing of a vitamin gel capsule

Vitamins & minerals

line drawing of a fish

Wild capture fisheries

What is it?

A standard for North American fisheries to establish and maintain a program that provides for independent third-party certification of Responsible Fisheries Management.

This standard includes enhancement practices (but excluding full-cycle aquaculture), up to the point of landing, with the main objective being the biological sustainability of the “stock under consideration”, with consideration for conservation, biodiversity, and ecosystem integrity; and due regard to social responsibility and the economic viability of the fishery.”

The standard focuses on 6 Key Principles for evaluating fisheries: 

  • The Fisheries Management System;
  • Science and Stock Assessment Activities;
  • The Precautionary Approach;
  • Management Measure;
  • Implementation, Monitoring, and Control; and
  • Serious Impacts of the Fishery on the Ecosystem.