November 2, 2011
Reports and Papers
SFP Discussion Paper – Salmon Aquaculture
This report challenges the salmon aquaculture sector to be more proactive in publicly disclosing information about environmental impacts and to create a model for industry-wide best practice. -
October 31, 2011
Sustainable Aquaculture Feed – GOAL Briefing
A discussion of the importance of sustainable aquaculture feed. -
September 11, 2011
EU Common Fisheries Policy 2012 Reform – some observations by SFP
SFP's observations on The European Commission's 2012 proposal for a reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). -
May 23, 2011
Reports and Papers
A Review of the Regulation of Salmon Farming in Scotland
A study funded by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and undertaken by Stirling Aquaculture. -
March 11, 2011
Trash Fish and Aquaculture Feeds – Retailer Briefing
Guidance for retailers in understanding the origin of fishmeal products. This document accompanies an instructional video created for retailers regarding shrimp feed. -
March 4, 2011
Tools and Guides
Gulf of California Shrimp Fishery Buyer and Importer Procurement Guidance
SFP's recommendations for importers and buyers of Gulf of California shrimp from Mexico. -
March 25, 2010
Recovering Bluefin Tuna – Position Statement
A position statement on Mediterranean bluefin tuna
March 25, 2010
FAQ – CITES and Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna
Analysis of what a CITES Appendix I or Appendix II listing would mean to the global seafood industry. -
March 25, 2010
Reports and Papers
SFP Recommends Backup Plan for Mediterranean Tuna
SFP's position statement on Mediterranean bluefin tuna after failure of CITES 1 listing. -
March 25, 2010
Eliminating IUU on Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna – Position Statement
SFP's recommendations to global buyers of bluefin tuna. -
October 28, 2009
Sustainable Aquaculture Feeds and Wild Fisheries – Briefing
A briefing on aquaculture and the sustainability of feeds from wild fisheries. -
September 16, 2009
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Documentation Program – Briefing
Full title: Effectiveness of the Catch Documentation Program for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna and Alternative Measures for Promoting Sustainable and Legal Bluefin Tuna Supplies