Improving Fisheries Management
IUU Squid Fishing Resource Library
With rising concerns about IUU fishing and human rights issues affecting global squid sourcing, SFP’s Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable (SR) has adopted a new strategy, focused on addressing these main risks associated with squid fisheries. This revised SR strategy is based on a thorough review of evidence about IUU fishing, published over the last several years. The following is a selection of some of these resources.
This library is updated regularly, as new resources become available. Entries are arranged by type and are ordered chronologically, so that the newest information and research is always at the top of the list.

Media Coverage
Urbina, I. ” The North Koreans Behind Global Seafood.” The Outlaw Ocean project, April 2024.
Urbina, I. “The Crimes Behind the Seafood You Eat.” The New Yorker, 9 October 2023.
Urbina, I. “The Uyghurs Forced to Process the World’s Fish.” The New Yorker, 9 October 2023.
Pelcastre, J. “US to Expand Monitoring Program Against IUU Fishing.” Dialogo Americas, 14 March 2023.
Cundy, A. “The Fishermen.” Financial Times, 15 June 2023.
Lee Myers, S., Chang, A., Watkins, D., & Fu, C. “How China Targets the Global Fish Supply.” The New York Times, 26 September 2022.
Goodman, Joshua. “Small Fry: Peru’s fishermen battle China’s overseas fleet”. Associated Press, September 2021
Goodman, Joshua. “Great Wall of Lights: China’s sea power on Darwin’s doorstep”. Associated Press, September 2021
Chun-Wei, Y. “China’s Fishing Fleet, the World’s Largest, Drives Beijing’s Global Ambitions.” The Wall Street Journal, 21 April 2021.
Urbina, I. “How China’s Expanding Fishing Fleet Is Depleting the World’s Oceans.” Yale Environmental 360, 17 August 2020.
Trent, S. 2023. Europe already has the tools it needs to end forced labour. Land Climate, 21 September.
TMT. 2023. Case Studies: Ultimate Beneficial Ownership. 28 March.
Starboard Maritime Intelligence. 2023. Opening the hold doors: a look at how surveillance can effectively reduce IUU fishing, 20 March.
Oceana. 2022. Urgent Opportunity for EU, US, and Japan to Jointly Turn the Tide on Illegal Fishing.
Spolarich, G. “New Coalition for Fisheries Transparency Releases Charter for Public Comment.” Oceana, 20 September 2022.
Oceana. 2021. Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: Vanishing Vessels Along Argentina’s Waters.
Oceana. 2021. New Technology to Help Tackle Illegal Fishing by Alerting Insurers to Risk. Oceana Europe, 10 September.
Oceana. 2020. Experts highlight the need to stop insuring and financing activities that harm the ocean. Oceana Europe, 21 October.
Mallory, T., & Ralby, I. “Evolution of the Fleet: A Closer Look at the Chinese Fishing Vessels off the Galapagos.” Center for International Maritime Security-CIMSEC, 19 October 2020.
Aroni, E. 2020. Follow the Lights: Squid Fishing in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. Global Fishing Watch, 13 October.
Research Articles
Gleadall, I.G., Moustahfid, H., Sauer, W.H.H. et al. Towards global traceability for sustainable cephalopod seafood. Mar Biol 171, 44 (2024).
Ainsworth, Gillian & Pita, Pablo & Rodrigues, João & Pita, Cristina & Roumbedakis, Katina & Fonseca, Tereza & Castelo, Daniela & Longo, Catherine & Power, Anne Marie & Pierce, Graham & Villasante, Sebastian. (2023). Disentangling global market drivers for cephalopods to foster transformations towards sustainable seafood systems. People and Nature. 10.1002/pan3.10442.
Ainsworth, Gillian B. et al. (2023). Dataset: Global market drivers for sustainable cephalopod food systems [Dataset]. Dryad.
Park, J., Van Osdel, J., Turner, J., Farthing, C. M., Miller, N. A., Linder, H. L., Ortuño Crespo, G., Carmine, G., & Kroodsma, D. A. (2023). Tracking elusive and shifting identities of the global fishing fleet. Science Advances.
Seto, K. L., Miller, N. A., Kroodsma, D., Hanich, Q., Miyahara, M., Saito, R., Boerder, K., Tsuda, M., Oozeki, Y., & S., U. 2023. Fishing through the cracks: The unregulated nature of global squid fisheries. Science Advances.
Tinacci, L., Stratev, D., Strateva, M., Zhelyazkov, G., Kyuchukova, R., & Armani, A. 2023. An Authentication Survey on Retail Seafood Products Sold on the Bulgarian Market Underlines the Need for Upgrading the Traceability System. Foods, 12(5), 1070.
Bunwaree P. The Illegality of Fishing Vessels ‘Going Dark’ and Methods of Deterrence. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 2023;72(1):179-211. doi:10.1017/S0020589322000525
American University Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS), 2022. IUU Fishing Crimes in Latin America and the Caribbean. SSRN Electronic Journal, No. 39.
Arkhipkin, A. I., Nigmatullin, C. M., Parkyn, D. C., Winter, A., & Csirke, J. 2022. High seas fisheries: the Achilles’ heel of major straddling squid resources. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1–22.
Asche, F., Yang, B., Gephart, J. A., Smith, M. D., Anderson, J. L., Camp, E. v., Garlock, T. M., Love, D. C., Oglend, A., & Straume, H. M. 2022. China’s seafood imports—Not for domestic consumption? Science 375(6579), 386-388.
Belhabib, D., & Billon, P. L. 2022. Fish crimes in the global oceans. Science Advances.
Lawrence, S., Elliott, C., Huisman, W., Dean, M., van Ruth, S. 2022. The 11 sins of seafood: Assessing a decade of food fraud reports in the global supply chain. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 21(4), 3746-3769.
Ospina-Alvarez, A., de Juan, S., Pita, P., Ainsworth, G. B., Matos, F. L., Pita, C., & Villasante, S. 2022. A network analysis of global cephalopod trade. Scientific Reports 2022, 12(1), 1–14.
Selig, E. R., Nakayama, S., Wabnitz, C. C. C., Österblom, H., Spijkers, J., Miller, N. A., Bebbington, J., & Decker Sparks, J. L. 2022. Revealing global risks of labor abuse and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Nature Communications 2022, 13(1), 1–11.
Welch, H., Clavelle, T., White, T. D., Cimino, M. A., van Osdel, J., Hochberg, T., Kroodsma, D., & Hazen, E. L. 2022. Hot spots of unseen fishing vessels. Science Advances, 8(44).
Blanco-Fernandez, C., Ardura, A., Masiá, P., Rodriguez, N., Voces, L., Fernandez-Raigoso, M., Roca, A., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Dopico, E., & Garcia-Vazquez, E. 2021. Fraud in highly appreciated fish detected from DNA in Europe may undermine the Development Goal of sustainable fishing in Africa. Sci Rep. 11 (11423).
Carmine, G., Mayorga, J., Miller, N. A., Park, J., Halpin, P. N., Ortuño Crespo, G., Österblom, H., Sala, fE., & Jacquet, J. 2020. Who is the high seas fishing industry? One Earth, 3(6), 730–738.
Park, J., Lee, J., Seto, K., Hochberg, T., Wong, B. A., Miller, N. A., Takasaki, K., Kubota, H., Oozeki, Y., Doshi, S., Midzik, M., Hanich, Q., Sullivan, B., Woods, P., & Kroodsma, D. A. 2020. Illuminating dark fishing fleets in North Korea, Science Advances, 6(30).
Velasco A., Ramilo-Fernández G., Sotelo C.G. 2020. A Real-Time PCR Method for the Authentication of Common Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) in Food Products. Foods. 9(3):286.
Donlan, C. J., & Luque, G. M. 2019. Exploring the causes of seafood fraud: A meta-analysis on mislabeling and price. Marine Policy, 100, 258-264.
Giusti, A., Armani, A., Sotelo, C.G. 2017. Advances in the analysis of complex food matrices: Species identification in surimi-based products using Next Generation Sequencing technologies. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0185586.
Arkhipkin, A. I., P. Rodhouse, G.J. Pierce, W. Sauer, M. Sakai, L. Allcock, J. Arquelles, J.R. Bower, G. Castillo, L. Ceriola, C. Chen…. 2015. World Squid Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 23(2), 92-252.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2024. Tide of Injustice: Exploitation and Illegal Fishing on Chinese Vessels in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2024. Zhejiang Ocean Family Co. Ltd and Its Fishy Business.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2023. The Broken Barrier: How Illegal Fishing and Human Rights Abuses in Korea’s Fisheries Imports Go Undetected.
Young, L., Haenlein, C. & Evans, G. 2023. Future IUU Fishing Trends in a Warming World: A global horizon scan. The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). Occasional paper.
Global Fishing Watch. 2023. Rise in Unregulated Fishing for Squid Hurts Species and People.
Hybrid CoE Working Paper. Valentin Schatz & Millicent McCreath. 2022. EEZ-adjacent distant-water fishing as a global security challenge: An international law perspective.
Brush, A., & Dury-Agri, J. R. 2022. Who’s Controlling the Distant Water Squid Fishing Fleet. C4ADS
Brush, A., & Utermohlen, M. 2022. Net worth – How the Chinese Government & US Stock Investors are Funding the Illegal Activities of a Major Chinese Fishery Company. C4ADS.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2022. The Ever Widening Net: Mapping the scale, nature and corporate structures of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing by the Chinese distant-water fleet.
Greenpeace. 2022. Squids in the Spotlight.
Berry, R., Matthews, D., Weaver, M., Carlson, D., Dorwing, D., Gehrke, B., Goodman, S., Heath, E., Marrero, A., Shister, A., Schreiber, S., Letostak, M., Woodward, A., Daun, T., Ireland, R., Duncan, R., Hausman, P., Edelhoff, J., Chambers, T., Bonarriva, J. 2021. Seafood Obtained via Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing: U.S. Imports and Economic Impact on U.S. Commercial Fisheries.
Global Fishing Watch. 2021. Analysis of the Southeast Pacific Distant Water Squid Fleet.
Long Distance Advisory Council (LDAC). 2021. Recommendations for a level playing field for EU and non-EU fish products.
Macfadyen, G. and Hosch, G. 2021. The IUU Fishing Index 2021, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Limited and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Oceana. 2021. Best Practices in Marine Insurance to Fight Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing.
TMT. 2021. Squid Fishing in the Northwest Indian Ocean – Clear as Ink. 8 December.
Bukharin, I. 2020. Safe Harbor: Port Prevalence in Cases of Forced Labor in Fishing. C4ADS.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2020. Illegal Fishing and Human Rights abuses in the Korean Fishing Fleet.
FAO. 2020. Transshipment: a closer look.
Gutiérrez, M., Daniels, A., Jobbins, G., Almazor, G. G., & Montenegro, C. 2020. China’s distant-water fishing fleet, scale, impact and governance, ODI.
Mosteiro Cabanelas, A., Quelch, G. D., von Kistowski, K., Young, M., Carrara, G., Rey Aneiros, A., Franquesa Artés, R., Ásmundsson, S., Kuemlangan, B., & Camilleri, M. 2020. Transshipment: a closer look.
Wood, L. 2020. Report on the Global Squid Market – Major Importer and Exporter Countries. Businesswire.
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) and Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT). 2020. Unregulated fishing on the high seas of the Indian Ocean: The impacts on, risks to, and challenges for sustainable fishing and ocean health.
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). 2019. Blood and Water: Human rights abuse in the global seafood industry.
Yozell, S., & Shaver, A. (n.d.). Shining a Light: The Need for Transparency across Distant Water Fishing. SMITSON – Resources & Climate. Retrieved 12 January 2023, from
Jodie Yi Chiao Lee, S., & Croft, T. M. (2018). Misery at sea, Human suffering in Taiwan’s distant water fishing fleet.
Websites and Tracking Platforms
EU IUU Fishing Coalition. IUU Watch.
The IUU Fishing Risk Index. 2023.
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. 2023. Skylight.
Global Fishing Watch. 2023. Global Fishing Watch Map.
OceanMind Limited. 2023. OceanMind.
Planet Tracker. 2023. Blue Recovery Bond assessment tool.
Starboard Maritime Intelligence. 2023.
Stiftelsen Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT). 2023.
Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, & Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management. 2021. IUU Fishing Index.
Belhabib, D. 2018. Spyglass | Global Fishing Crimes Map. Ecotrust Canada.
Oceana. 2016. The Global Reach of Seafood Fraud. Oceana USA.
Greenpeace. 2022. Squids in the Spotlight.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 2022. Crimes in the Fisheries Sector. UNODC-WCO-CCP.
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